Mandate: Promote sustainable development, reduce inequalities, and eliminate poverty in 170 countries.

Procurement: Approximately USD 2.6 billion annually.

UNDP is one of the UN organizations that procures the most, counting to about 2.6 billion USD annually. Products and services (which correspond to about 70% of the procurement) procured are, for instance:

  • Computer equipment
  • Motor vehicles
  • Computer software
  • Fuel
  • International consultants
  • Project management
  • IT services

At UNDP, the procurement process is a local affair where the Country Office’s Resident Representative or his or her designee who is responsible for the entire process. It is the Country Office’s Resident Representative who signs contract with suppliers, and the role of the Procurement Oversight Unit (POU) to review that specific contracts complies with guidelines and that risks are assessed and mitigated.

To learn in-depth about contract awards, read here.

The specific procurement notices at UNDP can be found here.

Intersted in how UNDP works with innovation? Read here.

For more details about how UNDP procures, read here.
